book a art class today we come to you. Draw naked males in PRIVATE nude and erections .
We have 5 males to draw book today 0468906115 or email [email protected]
we come to you
- naked drawings
- private penis party
- penis painting
- party penis
- massage
- art class
- and many more
- PHONE 0468906115
- prices from $150.00 hour
- private time with you
- 1 hour $90.00
- 2 hours $180.00
- 3 hours $350.00
- 5 hours $500.00
- we come to you if you book a room you pay for room food and drink.
- ART CLASS $95.000 per person min 10 people . you rent room food and drink
- WE DO nude male paper and pens
- IF you want to play off male artist extra cost for weddings
- we have 5 males to pick from ages 21 to 55 small and large toys to play with
- phone today 0468906115